CANNONCROTCH is finished. I could release it right now if I wanted to, but I won't- Cos I know from expirience that when I say a game of mine's finished, it dunt mean fuck all.
So I'm looking for beta testers- Anyone who's interested in the game, say so here and I'll PM you the link.
Don't expect to get a PM if you've bin here a week and have an infamous reputation for stealing games.
Things that were wrong:
The first boss was too fast
You respawned under the screen on the first boss
First boss is too big
Invincible nazi at the top o the stairs
You can aim your crotch upwards
You can stand "on" the enemy and not die
There's no way to mute it
Grenades don't work on the first boss
The elevator is too slow
Probably loads of other shit wrong with the first boss
RIGHT- This beta has officially STOPPED. I got loads of feedback, and I would go on, but I'm running out of room on the credits.