I'd love to be all song n dance about this- I've had a long time to think about what happens when this game comes out- but I opened the fla this mornin to tweek some stuff and OH MY GOD felt like killing myself.
This game has bin an absolute fucking bastard to make. If you fall off a ledge n don't respawn, or the guy in the cutscene on level 7 doesn't talk or whatever, keep it to yourself cos I do not give a shit.
This is one swf I never want to have to export again for the rest of my life.
I might make a walkthrough for youtube later with me talkin over it. There's a shedload of weird things hidden away in this game, it's like MGS2-style. I'll do that once I calm down from this rage.
Speakin of rage, I'm havin a whole bunch o fun with Dead Rising 2.
This game will be on NG in a week or so.
Also the guy from Wooshii suggested this to me and I love it. I think No Fear's got a hilarious brand image, and the product they've got is basically Powerthirst. So I'm gonna pitch a game to that, deadline's tomorrow. I drew this dude based on their logo, and the basic idea I've got is that you have to sprint as fast as possible to bust through a bunch of brick walls at the end or something.
So if they go for that then that'd be really cool.
VOICE ACTORS FROM LAST WEEK: I've got someone, he's super mega good. Sorry everyone else.
God I wish I was more excited about Johnny comin out but I'm too busy being crazy fuckin annoyed at it.
Watch Larry 2 cos that kicks the shit out of pretty much everyone right now.
play with cutscenes on
I-smel (Updated )
they wont fit in the game so I have to use loadMovie() to load em from a seperate source.
If I just blasted it all over the place loadin from one site then that would be a hugely dickish thing to do.
I know for a fact everyone is gonna cry about that but there's nothin I can do.