wow alot of need 2 days to read this.....but still....COOL!
Hey look man, my name's "I-smel". What I lack in smarts, I at least pay back in honesty. Boink!
Age 33, Male
England, MAN-CHESTer
Joined on 3/2/06
wow alot of need 2 days to read this.....but still....COOL!
I love crabs. They're the most awesomeest creatures ever.
Crab Joke
Those damn leeches are too hard to avoid. I know you want them to follow the character, but really it just makes it so hard to even try to avoid them.
Please add in some way to know that the crab is being hurt, for a while i thought i was shooting the crab to no avail.
Very nice overall. Great artwork, and that includes the pre-boss talk, you don't need another artist for that I reckon.
I kind of thought they were too swift myself. I kept lowering the number of them onscreen cos they were too hard, but it looks like that wasn't the problem. Ok yeah, I could make them less accurate.
I might add a red flash to the bottom of the crab so you know it's getting hit. Actually yeah, it was dumb of me to teach the player that a red flash means a successful hit, then not include it on the boss.
Ok thanks, pretty great feedback.
I think the black belly thing is too subtle....
Just updated.
Confirming that I read these.
Game's coming along great so far and I think it is great that you are blogging your progress for us all to see, perhaps instead of the coins they could be some sort of object that is relevant to each level. For example, this level being by an ocean could have seashells. Then again maybe that is not much better than the money, but I am just throwing out ideas.
A question though, is the boss able to die now?, granted I wasn't hitting it for all that long but I had no clue whether I was doing damage or not.
No I can't have the currency relevant to each level. So many reasons- How is the player supposed to remember what to get? It'd cause confusion like ARE THEY ALL TO BE SPENT IN THE SAME PLACE? Does the things I get in this level add onto the things I got in the other level? Why am I collecting these random-ass seashells?
Thanks for the idea though.
The boss can't die. I made it a bit more obvious when you're doin damage and when you aren't with an update.
Nevermind I killed it.
Did you climb up n get the guy?
i bet ur gonna make like
flash dollars off this.
otherwise its cool, I cant test dificulty till you actualy make so we can die.
"I am a boy who loves girls and will do anything to be loved and respected.I will bring love and justice to the world and give love to those who need it." lol
Hey where'd your news post with your cell phone number go?
This feels very awesome, it is alot of fun already, but when walking right/left the player shouldn't be at the very right/left as well, because of that I cannot see where I'm walking.
Also, I want to collect the coins myself. I don't want them to fly to the player. That feels a little boring.
I thought the guy was centered enough allready, but actually you're right.
Here's the game before the coins zoomed to you: 11108/2155_YeahBabyGoYeah_Allrigh t.php
I've played it like 5 or 6 times in that state over the course of developing the boss.
The thing that stood out to me was that, every time I beat an enemy, I had to run backwards and pick up all the money before I could move on. I feel like, over the course of the game, this is really gonna start to annoy people. Also it takes alot of the satisfaction out of killin a guy and made collecting money seem more like work than an added bonus. That's how I see it anyway. For one level I could deal with it, but for a full game, I'd hate that.
I suggest you have an optional button for meleeing because in the crab battle its annoying to keep my mouse following the guy because it zooms out.
P.S. It's awesome so far. Can't wait to see the full game!
why the hell are you melee-ing the crab?
i do hope your not still using duplicated movieclips, and other fast track ways to burst a memory pipe...
but game looks good, like the animation and the feel f the gradual speedup as you run.
I am still using duplicated movie clips :|
Why, what should I be doing instead?
i fighted the crab like for a fucking year and it never died, AND YES I FUCKING HIT THE GUY THAT WAS RIDING HIM lol
Fuckin read the news post
Okay here I go.
I've been playing all updates and this is the first time I presence a significant frame drop. It's significant enough to drop the fun value. A lot.
Somethings you may have realized, I've been noticing for some time:
-if you deliberately walk out of a plataform, you didn't input a jump, and the character falls, but in his standinOnTheFloor routine. That way, he's allowed to execute ground commands such as jumping.
-if you get hit while in the air, you will be automatically redirected to the standinOnTheFloor routine, therefore allowing a second jump and other ground commands.
-if you stop running, the updated friction will rapidly slow your movement down to zero. However, if you change directions without stopping, the friction is really low, making the character run on place for what seems like an eternity. That reduces the idea of control responsiveness, which is important in an action game filled with enemies.
-the boss has a bug, but has been already pointed out.
As for a substitute for money, in your case, I would think of some kind of style points. The game's name is a combo yelling, and you already told us the storyline is all about massive dumb stylness, so I'd believe some kind of style counter would be suitable.
I'll be waiting for the next update.
Thanks for these points. I was wondering what was causing him to do the standing animation in mid-air, you may av just spelled it out for me.
I'll see how it is with no sliding when you're changin direction.
I don't know what this boss problem is.
I WOULD have a style counter, but come on, that's totally ripped from Devil May Cry.
Hey this is brilliant. You make some really good design choices (ones blogged), but then you make some really odd ones i dont get it. I think thats why crunchdown wasnt as successful as it shouldve been. Heres some that i spot here:
- needs more friction when you change directions.
- Crab can walk too far right, so you cant get up on claw
- Needs WAY MORE player guidance with the crab.. i mean, a green arrow indicating to go up the claw +a little outcrop of urchins, forming a wall, on the bit that you wall jump across... so it makes sense that you walljump up there.
- Remove stairs on lighthouse/house..theyre confusing.
- Your artstyle is really inconsistant and brings down the look/proffsionallism of the game... (is that a word?haha). Like the wood in the house is too textured. The Giant hud looks awful. The blurr on the ground rocks doesnt fit, and i think itd be better to see his feet making contact with the ground. and the change of outline size..etc looks quite bad. However, the animation on characters is amazing!
- Gundog is too powerful imo
Good to see so much progress!
I know why Crunchdown wasn't a hit, I've read the reviews.
-Friction: Done
-I meant to limit the crab's space. I must've just forgot
-The crab does need more player guidance. There's no way I'm adding an arrow. I'm gonna have to think about this, it's gonna take some visual cues, but I don't know what.
-Actually yeah, it does look like you can walk up em. I think it'd look pretty stupid to have em without stairs. I'll take em out anyway.
-Proffsionallism isn't a word. Yeah I'm gonna think of something else to have on the walls of the house. I ran out of shades of brown though :(
You mean foreground rocks? There's no blur on em. I like em like that anyway, they're staying.
You can't really have his feet making contact with the ground, because the ground isn't a flat line.
Outline thickness: I THINK you're talkin about the background art in comparison to the characters. I'll see how it looks even'd out.
-Gundog is on a level that's too easy. Don't worry, health and damage n shit will balance out.
EDIT- Here's a version where the lines in the background and boss are consistent with everything else. Better or worse? 11108/71716_ybgya.php
boss glitched on me.
That tells me nothing.
Getting better, but some things don't fit in. How I've said about the enemies, but instead it's the buildings. They seem to stick out like a sore thumb such as the textures in the house used for the wood as mentioned before.
I'm a guy that loves things that aren't made in the line tool (off-topic) so when I see all of those stick animations with the pivot looking figures I get easily turned off. But when I see a game like Rage with the sketchy figures I get happy. So it's sort of like that when someone uses textures, it's not natural even though it can look nice. Maybe if you trace over the walls with the line tool and then color it in it will be a nice replacement.
I'm glad how you balanced out the special attack with the health. Now for the coins, will they be used for buying anything or will it be like Super Mario where the coins were just for show.
Here is some more music to maybe give you ideas or even use:
- <a href=""> n/173680</a> (One of my favorites)
- <a href=""> n/182470</a>
- <a href=""> n/161749</a> (Maybe a relaxing ending?)
- <a href=""> n/121944</a>
- <a href=""> n/116233</a>
Someone else mentioned the line thickness of the background art specifically. They said it made it all kind of not fit in with everything else. Here's a version where I changed some of the graphics to make everything more consistent: 11108/71716_ybgya.php
I don't know whether it looks better or not.
The money will buy stuff.
I'll check this music out later.
May I ask what the mohnay will buy or are you still thinking some crap up?
Also, like some have said the leeches are pretty hard so either lower the damage they do or make them shootable.
Also, I went through the boat area with the bats and just waited until we got to the other side and it looked a little weird when I jumped around in the lighthouse and there were hordes of bats moving through the lighthouse like it's a part of the background because to them it is.
Okay I don't REALLY want to talk about what you'll be buying, because the game's design changes loads while I'm making it. I get some ideas halfway through, some things won't work- Shit changes all the time and I don't want to outline everything this early in development.
But basically you could buy new moves like the double-tap moves. You could swap your radial special (hold down the mouse button) for something else, like a directional special or a timed beastup or whatever. You could buy bonuses to your guns that make them do more damage the closer you are to an enemy, a bonus that makes your close-range attacks do more damage, a bonus that gives you more health, a special move that creates a decoy to distract enemies, a special that freezes enemies, you could buy concept art, difficulty levels, loads o stuff.
I'm happy with the leeches right now. You'll be able to buy more health.
I COULD add hit detection to the bats so they don't pass through walls. The framerate's struggling as it is though and I think that adding while(){ functions to about 12 more enemies- fast enemies- That most people are gonna kill before they get to a wall anyway is only gonna make it worse.
You could essentially skip the boss cut scene by staying away from the middle of the crab when it's walking and the brown ball creatures that latch on to you (reminds me of Wind Waker and the fuzzy baby caterpillars) look really strange while running. Sometimes they are latched on to you, but aren't even on the body.
I also took the liberty of showing you with images some of the glitches from bad to worse:
- The Bat Glitch:
<a href=""> age=bsbatglitchpu7.png</a>
(Just lure the bats to the lighthouse and watch em fly through the building)
- The Boss Glitch:
<a href=""> age=bsbossglitch1jw9.png</a>
(Paralyze crab near lighthouse, jump on crab left claw, jump onto lighthouse and then keep going if you want. To get across the lake use a radial special and climb over the claw and jump to the farthest left while on top. Rinse and Repeat)
- More Boss Glitch Pics
<a href=""> age=bsbossglitch2pd9.png</a>
<a href=""> age=bsbossglitch2asq6.png</a>
Just trying to help you with the whole project, man.
I'm gonna have to add an invisible wall to the light house to stop guys from going backwards through the level.
I'll fix the dialogue scene n all.