What's up, I got you this trailer.
help, i cant embed videos :(
JetGetters is on Kickstarter. We shopped around for investors for about a year, but investors want you to make the next Candy Crush, not Just Cause 2 meets Team Fortress. So lets just see if KS works out.
I've talked about JetGetters a llooooooootttt already, but long-story-short it's a team-based, class-based air-combat game. You can ejector-seat out and hijack people, and surf on their planes, and shoot while sky-diving. Ask me anything about hijacking aeroplanes.
Right now we have a booth at GDC, the world's first tinyBuild tinyBooth! I'll be in the office all month to be involved with guys like you while everyone else is at GDC and PAX. Bummer! I mean uh--- cool!
Did you notice one of the tiers on the Kickstarter is that you get like 9 different games? tinyBuild is publishing games now, we started doing this with SpeedRunners last year, and things just recenlty snowballed including BIT Brawlers made by Newgrounds Illumni Village Blacksmith, and Fearless Fantasy from the truly one-of-a-kind SpikeValentine! Did you play any of Eli Pilonen's games? Cos yeah, him too, his latest is Not The Robots.
Ya see how half the front page news posts are about developers branching out and trying to get their games through KickStarter and Greenlight right now? That's our business now, we help flash game developers publish their games outside of the flash game market, and transition into developing for other platforms. If you know how to MAKE games, but not SELL them, then hit us up at contact@tinyBuildGAMES.com
It's not gonna be me though, I'm hardcore on the design and development side. JetGetters art and design docs, that's me right now. I made that trailer up there! Here's an example: We're thinking about equipping perks and bonuses on your dude, and jet, individually. Because you play as the same pilot for the whole match, but jets get swapped over all the time- so if someone has an ability you really want, you can steal it! Combining with your own pilot's ability, that could be really interesting. What if you attached BAD perks to your jet, to surprise and trap thieves? That'd be something so unique to JetGetters! The downside of perks, which I hate, is that you can't SEE what someone has equipped. It's not fair. This is why we're leaning on having 4 distinct classes right now, with their abilities built-in, so that you always know what you're facing up against. Lots of design decisions getting hammered into shape, please ask me about it because I could talk about it all day.
We'll have another booth at PAX, so if you missed Lerika and Yulia at GDC then don't worry they'll be there too! Also you can play SpeedRunners again, it was a big hit last year.
This is a big post, sorry if I'm just fucking spamming. In my real life I'm very harrowingly ashamed to admit that I am into internet dating right now. Don't tell anyone. I have 3 dates this week though, it's pretty exciting. I got back into kickboxing this week, I kicked a guy's ass hard. At the end I said "So how's your weekend? St Patrick's Day, probably got super drunk, right?"
"No I'm fifteen."
WELP!-- That was that. Ask me about kickboxing, Amsterdam, online dating, and JetGetters design challenges, I could just talk and talk and talk.
OH-- BomToons was interviewed on Indie Pals this week.
It's a pretty Newgrounds-centric podcast.