Here's some things:
I missed the Steam sale. I was really pissed off, cos I had to put all this hard work into it and then the game raped itself in half right at the end and set me back like 2 weeks. I don't even like this game, I'm a hair's breadth away from just not selling it- but that'd be a wholly insensible and irrational reaction. Can't wait til I can get back to making good games that I like.
WATCH TRAILERS. My new thing is sick HD watch trailers. Why spend hours and hours watching Dark Knight and Avengers when you could just watch a couple watch trailers back-to-back? These things are amazing and fucking crazy.
BULLY 2 I made a thread on GiantBomb asking what the schoolGIRL version of Bully would be like, but it just turned out to be like 5 pages of people calling me out for being sexist.
After a couple pages I started just brainstorming it myself, and once I started thinking about it like Walking Dead and Persona 4, I actually started thinking this would be a cool game. Cos much like in the Walking Dead, you always have to sell out SOMEONE in high school, and there's loads of "this is a bad choice but I have to do it" decisions. Like smoking, sneakin out, havin sex, what you spend money on, whther you play nice with both your parents, or one of them, or none of em. And like you CANNOT be friends with everyone.
So yea if I could think of a good UI that'd make that game easy to make, I kind of wanna make a school year of decision-making as a teenage girl.
Maybe I've just gone COMPLETELY FUCKING INSANE though.
btw did I never post MegaTennis here?
If this is just a game idea dump, I really wanna make a game called OutRail aswel.
That's it. It's bin a really fucking annoying passed couple of weeks, I hope I can get back to making new games asap.
EDIT- Oh, also this guy took my SecretsOfGaming idea and made it a video and got a billion hits >:(
no- dude- you're not supposed to steal their logo and make it look exactly the same! That way you're just tricking people and pissing them off, this is how you get so many dislikes... URGH this is all wrong!!! The jokes aren't even good, now when I eventually do this I'll look like a ripoff!
Then there was a story about local Kickstarter on the news like 2 years after my one, where was my news interview! Guys it's been an annoying week, I don't know if I've mentioned.
Update: this teenage girl game might work if the interface was like a facebook status feed.