But seriously, how do you stay focused? LMAO NO REALLY THAT'S NOT IT EITHER!
I was gettin to sleep last night, and I'd just watched some audio commentary thing, and I fantasized about putting audio commentaries in my games. Which is something I've thought of a hundred times.
And I thought "well I'll talk about these characters and how the joke with them is that they got too much dumb luck... and I'll talk about this character and... he's all dumb luck aswel... huh... wait... EVERY character in this game got propelled to a position they're not ready for."
and it reminded me of an interview I saw with Ed McMillen where someone asked him "Why are all your protagonists ugly and disgusting?" n he was like "Wow, I don't know!... Wow! That's weird!!" and it made me think does what's going on in the back of your mind influence what you put out without you realizing it?
So I really thought about it, and dumb luck is honestly something I've bin thinking about for the passed 6 months at least.
It's not the first time I've took a sideways look at what I was doing either, I noticed in about 2008 that out of all the 20-ish games I'd made, with all these characters and dumb little worlds and adventures that were all basically stream-of-conciousness I'd never made one girl. Not even in a passing cutscene or anything, which was WEIRD when I spotted it, so like the next 3 games I made starred girls.
The first one I came up with was Jessie from Legend of JOHNNY (you don't remember? that's fine) and the whole point of that character was that she was A COMPLETE BITCH! ...and I just remembered there was one girl I made before that, it was the prostitute in Crunchdown who you get an achievement for punching.
No Time To Explain: All the characters are one guy. He goes all over the world through all sorts of times and dimension, and never meets another person. Then the final main character is revealed, and it's another You who hates you. Then there's the other consistent character who has literally one defining feature, and it's that he's a cry for help- BOY, THERE'S A GOOD POINT TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT!!
I submitted a tonne of art! 1 2 3 I'm not an art guy, but I got that last one on the front page, and everyone seems to like it. I'm makin these to flesh out the world and style of this new game, and I could go into detail on what I learned from each one, but this post is pretty long already. It's nothing amazing.
OH-- AND!!!! I started work on something for NATA, but then the company who's contracted me said "hey, make this fuckinn... Dutch guy's iPhone game trailer" so now I'm animating that instead. THEMS THE BREAKS, SWEETHEART!!!!
The good news is that while doing this, I remembered I fucking hate animating full-length cartoons. I animate a tonne o small stuff all day, and that's great, but man, animating big stuff is fucking draining. fuckinn... SO MANY FRAMES!!!!
Anyway yeah, comment on that thing I said before, or my art portal stuff. Right after I was thinkin about that I thought "Alright let's think... Dan Paladin made Alien Hominid... and Castle Crashers... and BattleBlock... so... fuck, well those are just regular games." So MAYBE IT'S JUST BULLSHIT! YOU TELL ME.
Keep an eye out for Intrusion 2, and remind yourself that you actually don't fucking know how to use Flash at all.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJZAzNKZBew">www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJZAzNKZBew</a>