Yo I don't give a shit about global economics, n I don't know where Wall Street IS, but I've had this idea in my head all week and I need to get it down somewhere.
O.W.S is a protest thing in America where everyone's super annoyed that billionaires are screwing over the rest of us. There's like a thousand people there and the police are kicking the shit out of everyone. They can't get on TV at all, I think Fox News and NBC and CNN or whatever are refusing to give this whole thing any attention. People are screaming at each other over this.
Here's my point though: When was the last time anyone watched TELEVISION? How did you first find out about Steve Jobs dieing this week? The fuckin Sunday paper? No, that's where your DAD gets news from. Stop worrying about that. Even stuff like Breaking Bad and X-Factor people are watching online now, or through Tivo.
Meanwhile their Youtube videos are struggling to get like a hundred thousand views. Say what you want about the significance of the raised-fist logo-- in this day n age, it just looks a punk rock band sticker.
Look at Newgrounds- A regular-ass dude with no job and no money can wake up one day n get ONE MILLION HITS and more, it happens every week. There's some wizard game on Kong with 17-million right now, fake and gay gets 5 million a pop, there's that Chinese After Effects kid, Epic Meal Time tearin shit up-- What's in this space right now? Deaf Woman Hears for the First Time? Fuckinn-.. Back To The Future shoes? These guys should be occupying THIS SPACE.
I'm serious, their biggest voice right now is Michael Moore, and people are interviewing him BECAUSE HE'S A CELEBRITY. Can you imagine how much of a cultural wave this'd be if they got Autotune The News up in this, got it on SNL, Lonely Island, FunnyOrDie sketch, every fake and gay billion-hits blog all in the same week? People listen SO MUCH MORE if you catch em in their down-time or just make it entertaining; nobody gives a shit what's on the news.
Like-- protesters with signs and flags... How many people is this guy REALLY reaching? REALLY. I respect that he's trying, but... If you're stuck with no job right out o college, you can do better than hangin out at this thing n getting arrested: this is actually perfect, it's made with a blazer and a copy of After Effects. This jokester BLOWS ME AWAY. With basic independant catalysts like Reddit, Digg, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube, Rebecca Black got 22 million hits LITERALLY over-night. Then her and Charlie Sheen sold out continental tours off that, and this movement can't get attention? There's like a thousand people on that street, I'm just askin for one or two of em to forget about "the media" and just make a show. At least do what you can to get your favourite show or podcast or celebrity anything to give a shoutout or come down there.
Anyway that's what I've got stuck in my head. Is this the right idea or is it just bullshit? The way I see it is that these college kids have the skills to reach a hundred thousand people, and they're out there desperately wavin a cardboard flap around and getting pepper sprayed. I'm not here to talk about politics so much as I'm here to talk about how to get people's attention in 2011. So if I'm a fucking moron: don't be annoyed, because I already know.
Also I think people should turn up to these rallies in office-wear so they're not looked at as rats by everyone else in the financial district. -That's not what I think, I'm just talkin about managing public perceptions.