My next game (or I guess it's my next next game) is ROAD TRIP Rampage. If you're a flash-savvy dev guy then you can go play it here and leave some feedback.
It's a 90s arcade style game (SURPRISE) so I'm thinkin it'd be good to have an announcer guy shout
"ROAD TRIP... Rampage!!"
"MARCO!" (Mark-o)
"SHINA!" (She-na)
and that's literally it. It'd be fun if someone did. Don't be offended if you send me a thing and I edit it a whole bunch- Cos I want it to sound like a crappy old Sega game.
So that game's up fr bid, and I guess you won't play it for like another month...
Until then, where's April & Booster? That's a game I just finished. I was about to upload it when my sponsor guy said I should improve a couple things, and I did, they were good suggestions that only took like an hour..
but then he said I should make some o the sound effects voiced like Robot Dinosaurs, and I should announce the title screen- but I don't think that suits the game at all. It's not a very arcade-style joke-style game. He's not replied for a couple days, I don't know if he's just busy or if he's ignoring me until I make these changes...
So I guess that's on the shelf for a few more days! I never know exactly what's goin on with business people :/
My next next next game (the one that I'm about to start) will have you come back from the future to warn yourself of a horrible event that is about to occur over and over n over again. It's gonna be one o those joke games like Robot Dinosaurs or Duck Sim.
I made some Youtube videos recently. They're alright. Kinda funny:
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Y'know-.. cos I don't wanna forget how to use After Effects.
I'm booked on a holiday next year, so yipee.
FORMSPRING don't forget to ask me about shit!
Max and Yotam's podcast is really funny. I noticed today that his site and mine both have the same colour and the same poorly drawn image of ourselves in the header. If I knew how to make a news bit then I'd have that aswell. Weird!
I think that's everything.
EDIT- OH SHIT WAIT I FORGOT; I watched Jurrassic Park 1 2 and 3. 1 is amazingly good n you should all go back n watch it, 2 is pretty bad, and 3 is better than 2 but not as good as 1.
I can do the voice, I'll get to recording now. :)