Yo heads up I'm gonna spoil the end of Deadly Premonition in a sec.
I bought a new PC, which is way better than my old one and cant open the Johnny .fla. its fine though, that games bin finished for like- weeks now. I was like YO SPONSOR GUY, LETS GET THIS GAME OUT n he was all HM I WAS THINKIN WE'D DO THAT NEXT MONTH aaaaarrrrg. I've got like no money right now and can really do with some.
This PC CAN record video pretty well though. so now I can do what I allways wanted to do n make a trailer. So here's that:
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n that was fun. I'm think I'll blast that out to a bunch o sites the day the game comes out.
Oh and I sold different game to NG, so thatll be out this time next month? I dunno when thatll be out, but its finished. Its a platformer with 35 single-screen stages that you have to beat.
Third game: I started workin on somethin that's kind of structured like robot dinosaurs, but you can inhale and fire small enemies. Im aiming for like a REALLY really childish innocent adventure that doesnt feel forced or manufactured- Which it turns out is really hard. Here's some ideas of what main guy could look like. The whole things ispired by stuff like this, this, this, and how 5 yr olds are having a way better time than the rest of us and they havent learned yet the concept of being embarrased of how excited they are.
Here's what Ive got so far:
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Im findin it really hard to think of enemies with interesting or fun behaviours. Actually I dont think this game is fun enough in general, its nowhere near what I want it to be. Hopefully Ill crack it soon.
what else was I gonna say? OH YEAH have you seen deadly premonition?? its this Xbox game thats fucking crap- Dreamcast graphics, wacky animations, fucking bizzare dialogue, boring slow and tedious gun combat, it's the worst game ever but I ended up loving it. Anyway, long story short, the lovely innocent Aeris girl dies at the end. NOT JUST DIES THOUGH; you find her post-rape quivering, naked, leaking blood, she doesn't know who's who, where she is or what's going on, tries to walk- can't, keeps trying, asks you to kill her and then dies. It was FUCKING NUTS. I've never seen a game (including indie games) build up a relationship like that and then RAPE one o the main protagonists. I was like WHAAAAAAAAAT isnt that right, York.
Can't think of anything else.
I wanna make a game that's like Excitebike, but kind of like Road Rash where you're in a biker gang and have to beat up other bikers while speedin down the freeway. You could pluck road signs n other weapons out of the ground as you drive by, I think that could be cool. A boss fight would be like- a truck or something? I dunno!
OH that was the other thing I was gonna say- howda you guys feel about logos that go over gameplay? Like in that johnny trailer. I really didnt mind it at first, but everyone keeps pointin it out and now I feel like it makes the game look like a banner ad. I sold another thing recently and like ALL the sponsors wanted that as if it was the norm, but Ive never done it before and Ive never seen it done either. To me thats just not somethin that games do.
I asked one guy an he said YEAH, THE PLAYER WANTS MORE GAMES ALL THE TIME, SO IF YOU PUT A SITE FULL OF GAMES ON IT THAT THEY CAN CLICK WHENEVER THEY GET BORED THEN THATS GREAT, THAT MAKES IT BETTER. so I ignored that guy, because thats stupid. I want the game to be as much about itself as possible. would any o you put a logo over a game?
how bout an enemy that traps you and you have to go crazy on the buttons to escape. little kids love that stuff
oh- I didnt realize people'd think it was a game FOR children, but now I can see why yad think that. No its more like a game for generic newgrounds audience, but intended to- I guess feel like it was thought up by kids? or something? its kind of hard to explain.
+no youre totally sellin kids short. what games did you play years ago that did that? cos when I was 7 I played stuff like Sonic, Streets of Rage n Golden Axe. they like stuff thats fun, same as everyone else