I'm one o those hobbyist kind o guys who can't go a day without some kind of project to work on. So over the passed couple days I done these:
I opened 3DSMax an made a robot walk. It's not that good, I could do better. It was mostly to refresh myself on how to use 3DS.
I spent an afternoon animating this. I just kind of opened Flash and started drawin frames, then pressed Play at the end an thought OH HEY, Y'KNOW WHAT, THAT'S NOT BAD. I found out that zooming in looks loads better if you redraw each frame instead of like tweening or V-cammin' it.
I made a game over't passed couple days n all. It's this fast-paced little platformer in a screen-by-screen structure (where each level is a new screen and the camera never goes anywhere) and you're this arabic gerudo thief lady in some deep-ass cave. It starts fillin up with sand pouring in and you have to get to the exit in each level before you get crushed by the cieling. The sand is cool cos it blocks off old routes, but also elevates you to new ones, so you have to prioritise which way you're gonna go in which order, and you also have to be really quick.
It's pretty much finished actually. I just don't wanna sell it n get it out there cos y'know; I sold Johnny like last July and that'd be really dickish of me to release this before that's out...
Speakin of Johnny, I went in there an fixed what was causin it to crash every 10 seconds.
Also come on voice guys, what. I'm still waitin on like half the voices. If it's not gonna happen then jus PM me or somethin an I can carry on.
I'm applyin for paid apprenticeships all over't place.
Also I've grown a beard and can't really explain why.
Oh and my website looks a bit different now Tombrien.co.uk
here's a screenshot. It's bigger than that irl.
Explosm's put 5 different cartoons in the top 50 over the passed couple months (Y)