Last time I posted I mentioned that Robot Dinosaurs got featured on JayisGames and ByteJacker, but the very day after that I realised it's also on Geekologie, The Escapist and Destructoid. BEST OF ALL, some FABULOUS MAN actually painted Dinomite, which amazes me. I asked to buy it, but he gave it to his daughter and it's her favourite one. Yeah that's right, out of all of them.
Oh and it got monthly best here, which leads me to mention that I got TWO NEWGROUNDS SHIRTS. When I was making Crunchdown I thought I'd aim for a shirt. I won that month, but they weren't giving them out, and I'm not buyin one cos of the delivery cost and time and I don't have a Visa urrrrrr. Now I've got two: The NG Explosion one and the Dad n Me one. The UK one is a good idea, but I'd feel doofy wearing just the logo, I'd look like an employee.
I'm just now noticing the Tankmen Tank Chase one. Shit, I should've got that. I'll wait til next time I win stuff.
BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE- I won Ed McMillen's (THE EDMUND MCMILLEN??) old Wacom. I was gonna buy one ages ago, but didn't cos I just had this feeling that I was gonna get one somehow. LO AND BEHOLD, HERE WE ARE. And for making doofy naked art, that's just perfect. How else could I have won an art contest?
Best news of all: I DO NOT WEAR GLASSES ANY MORE. Stop- Did anyone here even know that I wore glasses? If not, good. Because even now in this quick mention, someone's opinion of me has changed. Because that's what they do; they make you look like a twat for the rest of your life. Not anymore though, contacts, I am ecstatic. Right now, at 00:40am on the 12th of April, I am finally a good-looking, posotive guy with genuine talents and a fuckin tonne o money.
Social life's pretty flimsy. It's there, and it's movin. It's just a bit wank.
Did I ever mention how I went to that University interview and they basically turned around and said "There's not much we can teach you on this course, I'm sure you'll have no problem finding a job." ?
Yeah well; that happened. Character Animation course.
If you're lookin for an actual update: I'm not makin the iPhone game and I'm pickin up YeahBabyGoYeah again. Oh- Someone from an actual games development company (a small one) contacted me through my site last week offering me a job because he knew I could fix something in some game. He was tellin me about this job position, but I wasn't really feelin it, so I just checked to see if I could help the guy right there in the MSN conversation. Turns out I could, so I fixed their problem and he thanked me and left. Said he usually pays people by the hour, but I'd done my job in like 20 minutes, I was all "yo no problem dawg". So that was cool.
Oh and look, I was on TIGSource for a while biggin up Newgrounds. Then THAT was on for a sec. This is where all the big boy game devs hang out, but they generally think Flash games are way dumb. What a bunch of dicks.
Speaking of a bunch of dicks; I'll leave you with this: /
I won a Wacom for drawing a dick last week, but this man here is the true professor of penises- a boffin of bollocks, an expert in erections, the chairman of chodes, a connoisseur of cocks, a guru of groins, the wizard of- dicks. He is a dick wizard. Interestingly enough, made the main theme of Robot Dinosaurs, jus sayin.
Can't wait for Yeah Baby :D
Now that I'm actually workin on it, I can do a level in like a fuckin day.