Ok so I've bin thinkin about this whole "new grounds" thing- Everything By Everyone n all that, and I'm not quite feelin it.
So here's the good side of Newgrounds- The side I tell my parents about when I get sponsored n shit:
It's a community of talented artists. No doubt, there's excellent games made here, excellent movies, excellent music, even voice-actors and straight-up artists. They throw money and prizes out to the crowd like nobody's business and they're popular as balls. I've got mates who only use a PC for music and Facebook; they know what Newgrounds is, and that's amazing. But I still don't like talking about Newgrounds.
I was watchin the awards video when it came out, and that's what made me start looking at it differently. I expected it to be dumb, and it was funny at first, but then I started feeling like the joke was on me. It's the conclusion to 2008, people are gettin trophies here, it's the Newgrounds awards- but it looked like just some YouTube video. I get that you had one guy and a green screen, that's fine, but "I'm gonna go look at fat anime chicks": Funny in a Youtube video, funny in some guy's blog, but I put some fuckin work into these games, an I'm proud of bein on the same page as guys like Ed McMillen, The Swain, HappyHarry n all that jive (I asn't even nominated, I'm just talkin about Newgrounds in general here). But when the guy who owns the site's up there: Without a community like this, Newgrounds would be a site full of hentai- It comes back around to just- Am I an idiot for taking any of this seriously? Y'know- Is the joke on me?
And that's one o those things that's allways in the back of my mind- Newgounds gets a fuckin lot of traffic for it's pictures of naked Dragonball Z characters. When I finish a game, and surely this happens to some o youz, people say "what site's it on?" and I have to stop n think "What's on the front page this week? Is it Portal Defenders or is it like- Meet'n'Fuck Nascar Driver? Cos I'm gonna look like a twat if everyone sees this game I've spent like a month on next to Meet'n'Fuck Nascar Driver." It just gets me down that I thought I was makin games for this hub of independant artists when now it just feels like some guys on some website.
What I'm getting at is- Professionalism. Every now n then, just put on a straight face. I like that Newgrounds'll sponsor a game where you get an achievement for punching a hooker, and I'm fine with these video game collabs they do; keep at it, by all means. But most people don't know what these awesome framed certificates look like, don't know how much money you buy these games for, Don't know about all the IGF PAX10 awards people are shootin for, don't know that you can make a Flash cartoon so good that random people will buy a professional fuckin T-Shirt of it and wear it. A FLASH CARTOON.
THERE'S your awards show. Don't remind me I make games for a site about hentai quizzes at the end of the day, tell me about the fuckin amazing successful people that come out of Newgrounds. Flash Gaming Summit, get in on that shit. Check out Glaiel- He's not just goin to presentations anymore, he's the guy fuckin givin the presentations. You've pretty much invented this billion trillion dollar web-games industry, you're the Facebook of web games, but you act like you're the Friendster. Does Kongregate have it's own vending machine? I'll leave you to think on that one.
So anyway, Robot Dinosaurs That Shoot Beams When They Roar's finished. Nobody's biddin on it though, so who knows when it's comin out.
okay EDIT- I just realised:
My name is "I-SMEL"
I posted a game full of swastikas about a guy who shoots with his dick while drunk
and I got Crunchdown sponsored by Newgrounds above everyone else cos they'd let me keep the swearing in.
What the fuck am I complaining about. I'm such a dick. Totally comin to my senses right now. Who am I to tell someone else to keep up their reputation, while I'm here: Perfectly fine games developer, wasting my talent on games about cocks, and totally loving it.
Dis-count everything I just said. Newgrounds is what everyone else is missing.
I take it seriously and at times not, but its the real artists that will have professional jobs, but it would be nice to be here in our community and not have the twat fuckers. This year everyone is just having a good time and anyone who is a newgrounds citizen knows whats up. I feel the same way when i talk about newgrounds to my friends who also only use the web shit. I always felt in a non-fascist way, a new swat team of users needs to clean up the site a bit.
clean up the site of what?
I just wanna make sure we're on the same page.