YO YO YO time for more half-done prototypes n shit y'all wont see again til next fuckin august or whenever.
Oh wait, first- Has anyone noticed I've got a website? Tombrien.co.uk ? Yeah, that link on the side that ses I-smel's Site goes there. It's not much yet, but there's a little tiny chat box on it that goes straight to my MSN. I just had a conversation with some stranger who played Cannoncrotch and Crunchdown and loved em. He got all the jokes, and thought Crunchdown was better. It made me feel pretty.
I started ANOTHER tiny little game. It's based on a negative review I got for Mighty Tower:
open139 Levelbug21 Feb. 01, 2009
cliché, but nice try 1: music sucks 2: why does the screen move upwarsds automaticly, use lava orsomething...
THANKS FOR THAT LEVELBUG21. He's got a point- Why does the screen move up in Mighty Tower? That was dumb of me, it didn't make any sense. So I started a game (with the Mighty Tower engine, cos I'm lazy) where there is something rising. Then that became the whole point of the game.
I haven't really thought of an aesthetic yet; but I might just be a cocky shit and keep the graphics as they are. Nah, really though I'll just leave it untoutched on my hard drive for a few months while I finish YeahBabyGoYeah.
YES I'M STILL MAKING IT. YeahBabyGoYeah- Allright is goin absolutely.. well- It's going pretty shit really. I'm dragging myself to work on it. I'll open Flash, draw like two frames, then fanny about with somethin else for a while. That's where these little tiny games keep comin from.
SPEAKING OF PROCRASTINATION- I decided to join that Street Fighter thing flashin up on the front page. I might as well. Is there even a prize? Ha, I've hardly ever even played Street Fighter in my life but I get it. It's a fightin game right? I've played Bloody Roar 3, it's pretty much the same thing. I'm buyin the 4th one and that'll be my first one. I'm a Street Virgin :(
Oh, actually- Y'know what'd make this short better? Some voices. I got a really fun idea for voice acting on this, but I guess I'm gonna have to finish it first so you know what happens. So I should probably leave that til later. Ok whatever.
That game was pretty amusing...
I thought that the last level was very clever...but too easy at the same time.
Oh, and I bet you'd do grand in the SF collab. You rock at animation (and coding...but I remember you saying that you liked animating better...)
I like animating in games, but I could never do like a full standalone animation.
I like these collab things cos I can get away with doin short stuff.