I av just coe backe right, from a fucki MINT night out
I am fucking mashed
Id just like to say- thanks to Tom Gulp, thanks to luis, thank to everyone that fucking commmented on my thing
I got in touch with a mate. he was like "lets get mashed" an I was like "yeah" an we went out and it was a fuckin mint night out
Im invited to like 20 different things. tomorow night, next week, twice next month, and a little event called BULGARIA '08. I am so chuffed. its mint. Ive got my mates back. thanmks for all the comments n shit, all the WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT all that, thanks for not just takin it as a joke and actually helpin me. I owe you one newgrounds, Ill make some fukin top games in 09 jus for youz cos you deserve it. right so thats it, I think Im cured, newgruonds: if you were a bird, Id fuckin well give you one. Cheears.
Exactly how drunk are you?
like this frunk: