No game update this week. All I did was finish the boss 2 death animation, and it's not really a big enough change to talk about.
But I don't want to waste a space here, so let's play a different game.
This is a side side side project I've had on the side for a while. You control it by moving the mouse:
It's fun and pretty, but I don't know what I can do with it. Surely there's a game in this somewhere, but I can't think of one that's good enough. I can image most people sayin I COULD JUST PLAY THIS, and yeah so could I, but that'd be such a waste. Here's one idea I had: The variable called LENGTH counts down and you have to keep getting dots fast enough before you run out of- black stuff:
And that's a bit more fun. At this point I've got things to collect and a score (the length of your tail is your score). So I've got the foundations of a game here. I want to pick it up and run with it, but I got nothin.
I thought of an aesthetic: Some scientists are developing a living symbiote that can cure diseases. You play as a tiny little nanobot that carries the symbiote to it's destinations. That's a nice concept, but I still need a game to go with it.
I noticed how the game makes it feel like you're growing as you collect more aswell. As you get bigger, the camera zooms out; a side-effect is that it makes your confinements more and more apparent. When I got to a decent size, I found myself smashing on the walls even though I knew it wouldn't do anything, because I made it.
The process of outgrowing your surroundings- Is there a game in that? This is some crazy Ed McMillen shit we're talkin about now, I better go lie down for a sec.
I made a right fuckin geek out o myself in this. Stop readin my thing, Marlon.
creepiest game of snake ive ever played.
I never thought of it as creepy.