Hay here in south Africa, one of the largest gaming mags, i saw your preview! So everyone that buys the N.A.G mag saw your preview! so your well known here off the internet also! :D
Hey look man, my name's "I-smel". What I lack in smarts, I at least pay back in honesty. Boink!
Age 33, Male
England, MAN-CHESTer
Joined on 3/2/06
Hay here in south Africa, one of the largest gaming mags, i saw your preview! So everyone that buys the N.A.G mag saw your preview! so your well known here off the internet also! :D
wow, I forgot that was a thing!
Watch Cased Closed it's like a more graphic Scooby Doo.
I dont like anime
here's one cool thing about haruhi though: nothing ever gets super-deformed or over-exaggerated, they play everything pretty straight. I think that's the main reason I could laugh at parts.
are you related to Tom Fulp? cuz you look just like him.
Im gonna take that as aaaaaaaa... compliment!
Grats X100 man!
Should I buy your game or Human Revolution?
hhmmmmm I dont like the look of either.
Awesome! Finally out, Btw what did you do for the game the art, programmer or Water Boy?
I dont know what Water Boy is, but I did the art and programming.
I have no idea what you're asking.
PP: I'm in the part where you have to burn the wood wall with yourself but when I do I can't move nor shooting opposite direction of the pool moves me! I'M FUCKIN BURNIIIINGG TO DEATH HEREEEE!!!! Fix it!
Works every time fo me, works fr Alex, I have no idea how to help here.
The wood wall part works if you go to the level from the level selection, but otherwise not.
D: What did you Program this in>? (:?
LittleBigPlanet 2
I told myself way a long time ago that I'd get into the Beta for this and make you awesome levels and shit. Unfortunately my life got crazy and told me FUCK THAT.
Now, despite my regrets for missing the launch, I finally bought and am downloading this thing. Looking forward to it!
People say "congratulations" when you finish a game for the same reason they say it when you finish a marathon. Whether or not it's a GOOD idea, it's still a damn impressive accomplishment. I keep hoping and trying to eventually finish a game I'm happy with.
Anyway so yeah: congratulations! Now I'll go play.
Well, I got it a little while back. Got a bit frustrated by the bugs but thanks for clearing those up :D Anyways it's just a little bit annoying at times. The game does have a good difficulty curve xcept there are just some quite brief extremely hhard bits here and there.
Awesome shitz dude. I would so support this! Indy Dev all the way!
My favorite part so far:
<a href="http://i.imgur.com/BZnoY.png">http://i.imgur.com/BZnoY.png</a>
I hate seeing screenshots, all I ever notice is the things that FOR SOME REASON didnt render right.
The fog is supposed to be blurred