I took 2nd in this month's voice acting contest. I'd like to tryout for this. Any audition lines?
Hey look man, my name's "I-smel". What I lack in smarts, I at least pay back in honesty. Boink!
Age 33, Male
England, MAN-CHESTer
Joined on 3/2/06
I took 2nd in this month's voice acting contest. I'd like to tryout for this. Any audition lines?
sure, anyone can
I can post a draft of the outro scene aswell, but that'd ruin the ending :(
some people are sendin me demo reels
hmm that reminds me, ill be in manchester next month
Oh, cool. I'd suggest we meet up, but seein an internet person in real life would genuinely penetrate my comfort zone n probably none of us'd like that.
The-EXP lives here n all.
I wouldn't mind helping out. Do you have any audition lines or just listening to demo reels? I have some audio samples on my profile.
checkin em out
oh if only i had skills to be apart of this
ur my favorite game maker on newgrounds
for ages now
love you
lovin the intro
thanks, thats cool. favourite game maker on newgrounds- daw shucks
Eagerly looking forward to playing it mate. Got a sponsor lined up or are you going down the FGL route?
Got any other future projects lined up?
funny thing is I FGL'd it from DAY ONE. MaxGames.com payed a fucking shedload to close the bidding ages ago and said "finish it whenever", so it's theres
I love the guy, he does OUTRAGEOUS contests every year n I allways win
Johnny looks like Guybrush Threepwood.
ok good. I dont play games like that, but Im takin it as a compliment
send some lines or something, and some info, and im in :D
makes me feel special :D
anything, songs, lines, weird song voice beats.
some info, how should it be :D
and ill send you demos and stuff :D
good for everyone :D
hey man your awesome site isnt working for my computer so whats up with that cause i wanna play your sweet game, cause everyday sorta i would check it out and play it.
my site is totally down and I dont know why. I dont know much about websites
here's a version that's close to a year old:
http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/0 90109/7388_YeahBabyGoYeah_Allrigh t-_consistency_check.php
Can I just rant a few lines of my own for tryouts or do I have to say what they say?
absolutely do whatever you want and whatever will sound best
i could do the 'wrath' character and i could pitch change my voice for jessie
i'll have to put my vagina hat on tho
I could probably find a lady to do Jessie, it cant be that hard
NVM I see it, I've finished anyway check yo Email.
I would like to be a tester. Mmmmyes?
sure, whenever Ive got a presentable version
Ooh, I love to try a few of these voices. Wrath and maybe the pub landlord. Is there a deadline?
no, no deadline whatsoever.
I'd try out for a part but my microphone is SHIT!!!
Also I think you forgot to to draw his face.
in the in-game graphics he's got no face. if I drew a face, then there'd be a whole bunch of detail in a really small space, and it'd unbalance the fidelity of the rest of the game.
try out anyway
Sending an email along your way!
Deadlines are awesum, even it's just a week or a couple days from now.
They tend to result in getting the best actor possible, instead of just "the first one that sounds good".
Ok then, the deadline is next week
Will you pay me obscene amounts of money if I act to the worst of my abilities?
*Whips out audacity and starts recording immediately.*
I'm gonna record some stuff once I get home on sunday :D
I'm in love with the game and all of your games and it would be awesome to be a part of it
keep the way johnny signs the contract
I didnt expect that to be funny, I was just bein lazy n shit. but then when I watched it back, it was like the best part.