WTF there iz no fish in my amazing game!!!! get back to the drawing board!!!!
Hey look man, my name's "I-smel". What I lack in smarts, I at least pay back in honesty. Boink!
Age 33, Male
England, MAN-CHESTer
Joined on 3/2/06
WTF there iz no fish in my amazing game!!!! get back to the drawing board!!!!
Enjoy the packs of wild dogs that patrol the streets. Don't forget to give them an offering in the parking lot in order to get through.
Rainbow i said that.....not zekey.........
and i dont like the back alley-ers....
so do you hate him or me lol?
Forget what you said i think you should collide your flash with other flash! Like put Crunchdown, Cannon Crotch, Co-Operation, and some other things like that and you got yourself a nice combo! :D *my friends and i also tried something like that the other day. Sept it was very stupid n' completely insane.*
ay ur back
oh well, at least he's still a fun-gi!! ahahahaahahahaahaahaahahahahahahahaah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahah ahahaahahahaahahahhahahahahahhahhahah hahahhhaahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahh ahahahaha