Hmm so your complaining about the professionalism of this site but you get sponsered for making your stuff? Why complain? Your getting money for it.
I dont get payed for any of it and tbh it doesnt bother me that there is hentai on this site. Sure i get a bit annoyed if something i made gets overlooked but due to your sponsership thats never going to happen. So i dont know what your complaining about.
(Though I have no submissions, I've been to NG since 01 on and off on another account, MarcusGlayson.)
I have to agree. The setup of Newgrounds is spectacular. Fulp and the others just give us a lassez faire system for original submissions, gave us a few powers and a few restrictions, and walk away. (Not to say they abandon the site, but they let us make the major decisions.) Absolutely ingenious, but it does leave the door open for creations that are... less than inspired. All it takes is for one person to have their quality submission snubbed by a cock-joke or two for them to show apathy, and for that apathy to spread.
I also hope to use Newgrounds as a hub to provide quality Flash games, and to provide exposure. I worry that I will be snubbed, but I have confidence.
okay this topic seems to av shifted into something completely different.