My bullets can't hit the crotch cannon boss. It stops when it hits the metal pillar
Hey look man, my name's "I-smel". What I lack in smarts, I at least pay back in honesty. Boink!
Age 33, Male
England, MAN-CHESTer
Joined on 3/2/06
My bullets can't hit the crotch cannon boss. It stops when it hits the metal pillar
Oh right yeah, I forgot to fix that.
Don't worry about it, I kow what it is an it's an easy fix. You should also find that once you get passed a certain point, you'll keep respawning a few feet higher.
Wow, looks great so far.
Honestly, I can't wait.
Yeah I wish this game was finished allready.
I was looking forward to this game... Now I'm uing a laptop and will mourn for my inability to play anymore...
This has been one unique devblog for a flash game though..and the game is looking fantastic.
I hate laptop touchpads, they're so fucking useless. You'll end up playing it somehow.
I like the progress of your game so far
The slow slow progress. Like dragging a caravan up an icey mountain.
maby a stupid question
but wheres the pause menu X_X
There isn't one, it's a sham :(
You don't have a Wacom?!
You deserve one and I am pretty sure Tom mentioned that he had some left over that might be given out later this year.
Ah game looking great can't wait to see the finished thing (devblog has been interesting)
The way I draw with a pencil is pretty much exactly the same way I draw with a mouse, so you're not missing much.
I'm waitin for Tom to mention what he's doin with em, cos whatever it is I'll give it a shot.
I <3 the 3D backgrounds...
This is going to be the best game on newgrounds for '09...
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Wow, it looks amazing already. I can't wait to see the actual game!
But first, you need to deal with a few more bugs =)
Level 3:
1. The invisible wall at the beginning, you can wall jump off it like a regular wall. Fine if you don't mind that, apart from...
2. I just managed to turn around while "clung" to this wall. As in, my sword was pretending to be stuck, but pointing out into the air, and the charaacter was facing the edge of the level. I'm not sure how (and I can't repeat it). I'd assume it could happen to walls in general though.
3. It seems that both of the 'chomp guys' near the beginning can eat the character at the same time. Both will be chewing =P Also, they cannot get the character if he stands at the very edge of the screen, a minor point.
Moving about the level and returning to the beginning, the dock will have 'moved' to the right. You will be able to see the far left of the image, followed by the cut-off point where the image ends. In all fairness, it would probably be more trouble to fix than it's worth.
The crab has a small line on the front, right (when facing it) leg, which looks like it shouldn't be there. Now I'm nit-picking, sorry.
But the wall-jumping annoys me slightly when you're jumping off a bounding box and not the wall, so you're just hitting the air. Horribly irritating to improve, I'm sure, but maybe more straight lines in the other levels =)
Moving on...
Level 4:
I noticed no bugs as of such, but a few gameplay difficulties.
The first box. Will people realise they can push it? Or will they think there is no way out?
The second box. It seems to be causing a lot of confusion. But I see you've already discussed that =)
Otherwise, quite an awesome level.
Level 4 Boss:
Some large glitches here, sadly. The small lines showing where the tiles for the background wall are 'attached' don't matter much, I suppose, but there are greater matters.
For one, if you rush your way downwards, you'll eventually find yourself caught in a loop, in which you cannot move downwards without being transported back to your previous position. Then, your platform gets destroyed, and you're in an infinite falling loop.
Another major problem is that at some points (the starting platform is a good example of this), the boss decides to move lower one more poll. It then chooses its move, and if it's just to fire the cannon (not use arm), he'll carry on moving downwards without you. From that point, you could even enter the right side of one of the objects formed (Looks like - |_| |_| , with the girders of the edge at either side, and two girders in the middle.) and wait. I'm not sure what triggers it from there (I'm normally just moving and clicking randomly), but it transports the character to the top of the entire boss level structure (what hasn't been removed yet, at least) onto the far right girder.
Sorry for being so annoying with these bugs, but someone has to be, and it's better me than a reviewer =)
Also, some small things.
When he's running, it looks like the bullets are just coming from his person; no gun involved.
In the pub, on the stairs, if you get the character to jump down them and his head hits the ceiling, he will sort of.... slide on the ceiling? It's hard to explain.
Well, good luck anyway!
Level 3- I will fix all of these. With the wall jumping: If you're talking about climbing the crab, I'm gonna change that soon enough.
Level 4- Nobody's ever got stuck at that box to my knowledge. I'm gettin feedback from like 3 different sites.
Level 4 boss- Some recent changes caused that level to to freak out, but it's an easy job to fix it.
Sliding down the cieling in the pub I don't really care about.
I might fix the running|shooting thing later. Personally I don't care about it atall, but everyone else seems to.
no matter how much i try, i can never scroll down enough to completely see dev blog. i can only see half of that. minor fix but important still.
also about the girl problem, use reference pictures, and then draw your own style over it. helps a lot.
Oh yeah, I forgot that scrolling thing in the shop was still broken.
Im not going to lie, this game looks like a real winner.
Oh, you already mentioned one of the Level 4 boss 'problems'. I'm not sure if the other is related or not. Depends on how you programmed it, I suppose.
Sorry, I was tired.
It's an AI thing, it's an annoying one to fix.
This is AMAZING, it isn't even finished and it already has most of the elements that make a great game. All of the movements and attacks have so much "power" and "impact" to them, and this is before you have even added sound. As you probably know, it is very difficult to do this, without decent sound effects, but you've done it really well here. That is a sign of great talent.
Also, the controls and gameplay work very well, they are easy to use and let you use a wide range of moves.
Finally, I like the new "Shop" system, (WE FINALLY HAVE SOMETHING TO SPEND ALL THOSE COINS ON) and the laser attack it awesome.
You MUST finish this game, it will go far I'm sure of it.
P.S. I'm in no way saying that you shouldnt use sound effects, I'm just saying it is great without them and adding them will make it even better.
Like 90% of the people voting on your duck game gave it 10/10. I've never seen somebody pull that off.
I'm amazed at how many people GOT it.
The wall jumping seems a bit sticky, more fluidity in that would do wonders to this game.
You might be able to work a little swifter with a wacom tablet ya know ;)
I'll miss your blog, man!
I'm looking forward to this game!
When you're hanging on the ceiling, why is the aiming with the gun so much smoother than when you're standing on the ground?
It's two different methods of aiming.
When you're on the cieling, he's only aiming with one arm, so it makes perfect sense to just let it rotate around and point at the mouse. It'll allways look good because the arm's behind the guy, so you can hardly see it.
When you're using both hands it's not that simple, because I need to account for which way up the gun is, which way his head's facing, where his shoulders are, and basic 2D hurdles where certain lines don't match up. So I had to draw a frame for every diraction you can aim in. And since there's no way I'm drawing 360 frames for every direction, I just did one for like every ten degrees. That's why it staggers alot more when you aim with both hands.
Ooo so like a dryad type boss?
I-smel (Updated )
Yeah, I guess. I had to look up what a dryad was,