Did the decompiled game come out ok?
Hey look man, my name's "I-smel". What I lack in smarts, I at least pay back in honesty. Boink!
Age 33, Male
England, MAN-CHESTer
Joined on 3/2/06
Did the decompiled game come out ok?
The decompiled game's finished, some rich guy wants to buy it for over a thousand dollars.
WOAH!?? its so so cool. nice idea. people will eat this up, and you will get lots of money for it, i love CO-OP games, its kinda like ICO..lol.
how is flashgameliscence? i was considering it for my current game i just finished... but when i try to "sitelock" the game it fucks up. and when i try to encrypt the game with this free-trial thing. it fucks up.
Did you bother doing these^ and if so, can you please help me with them?
what is your MSN?
I tried the free encryption beta, and it's definately broken. Games just don't load when that's enabled, so don't tick that box. The best thing to do to avoid stealin n shit is to manually put some encryption on the second frame of your game:
var lockUrl = _url.toLowerCase();
if (_root.lockUrl.indexOf("flashgame license.com") <= 0){
It'll play on Flashgamelicense.com, but not anywhere else. NOTE- It won't even play on your hard drive, so you'd have to upload it to test it.
If you can't protect something like that, there's also some options to disable developer viewing. Allowing ONLY sponsors to see it's good because sponsors don't typically steal games. You can also allow developers with at least 1 game to view it, and people like that don't usually steal games. The forum guys and other developers are clever guys, and they're good at giving feedback on games.
Ny MSN's Tombrien@msn.com
oh also. Take a quick dreamweaver tutorial an get yoself a website...
with a few googleads, and a small site intro on your games.
each game will earn you a bonus of like... a lot. from advertising.
all the smart people are doing it! :p
On the pyrimid level, i dont think your spoused to get to the coins, i did. There was like nothing after them, so yeah...
I forgot to fix that.
Out of curiosity, if you have ads on your game, are they affecting how much money you are being offered?
I don't know. The deal right now is that two guys want the game, and their both bidding on it pretty equally. One allows ads and one doesn't.
If you hit down the right or left you just run in place
I don't know what you're saying.
that was fun.
love it, dude my shitty game was sold for 4k so you might want to wait out for more money
Holy shit.
How long did you wait for that?
wait two weeks, send out emails
dude i like the concept, but its kinda slow paced
know what im sayin?
Pyramid level glitched on me. U kno how u made the secret hole? Yea well i jump across it when it was opening, got all those 100s of coins, and kept walking all the way to the right. Then at the very edge it gave me the abort script message.
Firefox Fucks up and asks if i wanna abort script when I Press Down + Left or Right